Religious art “Holy Family”, oil on panel, Italy, c. 1500-1520 The Holy Trinity, Spain 17th Century Virgin and Child after Raphael, France About 1820 The Adoration of the Magi, school of Frans I FRANCKEN (1542-1616) Angel of Annunciation ,Oil On Canvas, Circa 1780 The Holy Family with Saint Anne and Angel, second-half of the 18th century The Visitation – Large Oil on Canvas – France 1820-1830 Large Adoration of the shepherds, Flanders 17th century Virgin and Child Crowned, Spanish New World 18th century Predella representing a Nativity and several saints, Bavaria, circa 1520 Adoration of the Magi – Southern France or Spain, 18th century Adoration Of The Magi, Venetian School, 17th C. Virgin and Child, Northern France or Flanders, 17th century Susanna and the Elders Antwerp circa 1580 The visit of the three Angels to Abraham, 17th Century The Nativity of Mary 17th C French School “The Conversion of Paul” oil on panel, circa 1600. Virgin and Child Flemish 17th century Adoration of the Magi Domenico Zorzi Christ Preaching 17th century Italian School A processional cross in silver, Venice, early 16th century Large Virgin and Child ( 1.25m), Champagne, circa 1500 Saint Sebastian, stone, France late 15th century. Huge 18th century black Virgin with the Child, Roussillon Madonna and Child , Tyrol, late 15th-early 16th century. Very large Christ of Deposition, Germany, 17th c. Large terracotta Buddha headlate 18th c. Very large black lacquered wooden Buddha, Burma, late 19th century Adoration of the shepherds – Large high-relief, Northern Italy Large Virgin and Child, Tyrol 16th century Carved wooden arch with two angel musicians, India, Tamil Nadu, 19th c. Large Virgin and Child in polychrome wood, Spain, 16th c. Very Large Christ on its Cross ,France 18th century Saint John of Calvary, 2nd half of the 15th century Christ of Resurection , France early 17th century Pieta in oak wood, Germany, circa 1500 Christ on the cross in boxwood, 17th century. Saint George slaying the dragon, Flanders, 17th century Very large bronze Ratanakosin Buddha, Thailand 19th century Very large Christ on the cross, Northern Italy 16th century Bronze statue of Buddha, Thailand, Rattanakosin, early 19th c. Large carved and lacquered wood Christ, Goa 18th century A Very large oak statue of the Christ , Flanders or North of France 17th century Buddha in bronze, lacquer and gold leaf, Rattanakosin 1850 Large Seraphim Christ Statue , France, 18th century Large Buddha in dry lacquer, Burma late 18th century Large Madonna and Child on a throne , Spain Circa 1500 Large pair of angels, Italy, 17th century. Large Madonna in carved wood , Germany Circa 1400 Christ in Boxwood , 17th century Large Bronze Buddha – Rattanakosin, Thailand 19th century Large Virgin and Child, France 17th century Important Christ on the Cross, Burgundy 15th century Head of Dvarapala(?), Khmer Art, The Bayon, 12th-13th century. A Very large carved oak Christ, France, 16th century. Large lacquered Buddha, China, early 19th c. Saint Anthony of Padua – 17th century. Saint Michael, Southern Germany or Italy 17th century Saint Roch Spain late 16th – early 17th century JAPANESE ALTAR IN LACQUER, EDO PERIOD (1603-1868) Large Christ Italy 16th-17th century San Sebastian Italy 15th century Saint Martin, France,16th century Gold-plated silver cross circa 1600 Large Bronze Bouddha 19th statue Virgin and Child Alabaster 16th Century Virgin and Child in Alabaster 16th Century Stone sculpture of the God Shiva , India 13th century Guanyin Chinese Bodhisattva 19th Century 15th C Stucco Madonna and Child